Reg. Under Karnataka Society Registration Act 1960
World Stroke Day 2021
India: 29 October, 2021
October 29th, 2021 marked World Stroke Day. On this momentous occasion, SFSD India organized a webinar highlighting Dysphagia in Stroke Survivors. Two eminent personalities in the field of speech and hearing, namely Dr. S P Goswami, Dr. Jayashree Bhat delivered insightful lectures on Epidemiology of Dysphagia in Stroke and Burden of Dysphagia on Stroke Survivors respectively. Dr. Mansi Japtap, President, SFSD India, and Mr. Prasanna Hegde, Secretary, SFSD India spoke about the role of society in this regard. The second half of the webinar had an interesting and one-of-a-kind panel discussion moderated by Ms. Preetie Shetty, treasurer, SFSD India. The panel members consisted of a stroke survivor, caregiver, and a caregiver as well as a stroke support group member. Some of the points mentioned by these individuals who have experienced stroke firsthand were eye-opening to us professionals. It made us realize that there is still a lot of work to be done in the area of patient education, advocacy, and providing an adequate referral. The event was graced with 176 registration and viewers across platforms. There were a mix of students, amateur and expert professionals. The evening was ended with a vote of thanks by the treasurer of SFSD India.
SFSD is now registered!!
India: 01 September, 2021
Society for Feeding and Swallowing Disorders (SFSD) is now registered officially under Karnataka Society Registration Act 1960, on 28/07/2021. Managing Executive Council of founding members is laying the foundation stones under the leadership of Dr. Mansi Jagtap, President of SFSD. The first general body meeting is scheduled to be held during the end of September 2021 and official functioning will be regularized through the formation of committees, membership drives, and planning educational activities for the members and general public.
Follow social media handle and website for regular updates.
Dysphagia Awareness Month June 2021
India: 08 June, 2021
Dysphagia Awareness Month is in full swing in India and it is being spearheaded by the newly formed Society of Feeding and Swallowing Disorders (SFSD).
Day 1 of the free educational Dysphagia Webinar Series on 6th June, 2021 witnessed 800+ attendees who joined live via Zoom webinar and Facebook live stream. The sessions on Anatomy of the Swallowing Mechanism by renowned international dysphagia expert Dr. Ianessa Humbert, on Mechanical Correlates by Ms. Srimathy Narasimhan, and on Neural Correlates of Swallowing by Ms. Preetie Shetty were very well-received by the fraternity. Participants from 24 countries across the globe have registered for the webinars so far and the total number of registration has crossed 1700.

"Great to see delegates attending in such large numbers from all over the world! This definitely means that we are stepping in the right direction. And this is just the beginning…. A beginning towards providing quality care to patients, a beginning for new learning and evidence-based practice. This propels us to do better!", said Dr. Mansi Jagtap - President of SFSD
Ms. Smita Caren Mathias, Chair - Scientific Committee, said "I am overwhelmed how this virtual experience has made the academic world such a small place, that we can learn, interact and collaborate to enrich our knowledge and take the field of dysphagia to great heights."
"It was wonderful to see nearly 1000 attendees participate in our inaugural dysphagia webinar series and share such positive feedback about the launch of our society. This kind of excitement and engagement reassures us that improving dysphagia education and services in India is the need of the hour and it inspires us to work hard to fulfill the vision, mission, and goals we have for SFSD", said Ms. Rinki Varindani Desai, USA - International Relations Chair and a member of the SFSD Scientific Committee.
A participant said, "Such a well-organized webinar! Looking forward to lots more. The SFSD team is setting great standards and is a much-needed change for Indian swallowing practices" - after Day 1 of the Dysphagia Webinar Series. Many participants felt that the webinar is of a high standard and more such programs are necessary.
Details about the upcoming webinar sessions and activities of public awareness can be found on the official Facebook page www.facebook.com/indiasfsd or www.sfsdindia.com/events.
India: 18 May, 2021
The resolution to observe the month of June as the Dysphagia Awareness Month was passed by the Dysphagia Research Society in the year 2008, with the mission to create awareness among the public about the presentation, prevention, identification, facilities available for assessment and rehabilitation of feeding and swallowing disorders (dysphagia).
The upcoming Society for Feeding and Swallowing Disorders (SFSD) India is also gearing up towards this mission to celebrate its first 'Dysphagia Awareness month' with a number of free virtual webinars with clinically relevant topics for the professionals and public. This is the first in a series of educational webinars & resources we will be working on at SFSD. Our vision is to establish accessible & acceptable uniform care for individuals with feeding and swallowing disorders through education, skill training, competence building, evidence generation, interdisciplinary research, innovation, and global collaboration. Learn more about SFSD here: www.sfsdindia.com/about
The Society for Feeding and Swallowing Disorders (SFSD) has its founding members from across India and from the USA. The registration of the society is in process under the Karnataka Society Registration Act (1960).